Temptation and Guardrails
Discussion Questions
- Explain what positive and negative thoughts or emotions come to mind when you consider the word commitment. What are the benefits? What are the costs?
- Is it a sin to be tempted? Explain the difference and connection between temptation and sin.
- No one is above temptation, and no one has a temptation-proof marriage. Sometimes, we are guilty of leaving “doors to temptation” open in our marriage. What “doors” to temptation have you left cracked open that could one day compromise your commitment to your spouse?
- Strong, lasting marriages have strong guardrails in place. What are some guardrails you’ve heard other couples have in their marriages? What do you think of those guardrails?
- What guardrails should you install to safeguard your marriage? What fears are stopping you from installing them today?
- Ask your partner the following questions:
• What things do I do to make it easier for you to love me and enjoy being my spouse?
• What things do I do to make it harder? Do not interrupt your spouse when he or she is sharing this. Do not defend yourself. Instead, thank him or her for sharing and commit to working on those areas. If an apology is needed, offer one and ask for forgiveness.
1-on-1 Conversation Starter
• Schedule a time this week where you can have an uninterrupted conversation with your spouse to continue the conversation from this week’s questions. With the circle still drawn around yourself:
○ Men, ask your wife to share three ways you could better love her.
○ Ladies, ask your husband to share three ways you could better respect him.
• Do not defend yourself, but rather restate what you heard to check understanding, then thank him or her for sharing.
○ What open doors to temptations exist in our marriage that we weren’t comfortable sharing at Marriage Circles? What guardrails do we need to add to safeguard and nurture our marriage? Who can you turn to for help and accountability?
Challenge for the Week
• Pray for your marriage. Focus specifically on two things: 1) that you would give
back control of your marriage to God, and 2) for God’s forgiveness and healing in
any specific areas of brokenness in your marriage.
• Considering the specific areas of consistent struggle and temptation in your
marriage, create a list entitled, “Our Marriage Guardrails.”