Outro to 5 Marks

We hope this series of conversations was encouraging to you to trust and become more like Jesus in your everyday life. God has created you to thrive and experience an abundant life as you grow in your relationship with Him. As you finish this growth track, we want to encourage you take the next steps God is leading you to take. Most importantly, don’t try to grow in your faith alone. It is so important to start spending time with Jesus for yourself and to find a community with other followers of Jesus you can share the journey with. Thank you again for taking the time to invest in your spiritual health. You can find some resources to help you take your next steps below!

Save $1,000 for your Emergency Fund

A couple of years ago, I had a Honda Odyssey. We called it the red roller. I loved that car. For a family of 5 it was reliable, comfortable, and decent on gas.  It was also the first generation with the electric rear closing doors. 

After about 10 years of use, those doors gave up on me and would no longer close electronically. We’d have to manually close them each time.  Well, when I took them to the shop to get it fixed, the mechanic told me it would be $3000 to replace the motors in them. 

At that point in my life, he might as well have said it cost a million dollars. I did not have the money and I did not want to incur debt because we had just paid off everything. See, I thought I was doing OK. 

So I did what any enterprising husband and father would do…I took them to a guy who said he could do it for much cheaper. Big Mistake. He made the problem worse as one of the doors would no longer open or close.  Lesson learned. If I would have had an emergency fund, I could have gotten my car fixed instead of having to buy a new car. 

Life happens, emergencies happen, and we need to be prepared. A $1,000 emergency fund can provide a buffer in these situations. Then if something happens…. and believe me, it will. We can build it back up again without going deeper into debt.  

In our last video we spoke about the importance of tracking our spending. As you are tracking your spending you will discover areas of savings opportunities which can build your starter $1,000 emergency fund.  

Areas that you will notice, and question are: Could we cut back on going out to eat? Maybe…we should do some meal planning before going to the grocery store. Food can be a huge budget buster.  

Other items to keep an eye on in tracking our spending: 

  • Am I shopping online for unnecessary items because they keep coming up on Instagram, Facebook or Tik Tok?  
  • Could we drop a few streaming channels, Netflix, ESPN+, Hulu, Disney+?  
  • We can sell some items that collect dust around the house.   

As we adjust from the awareness that tracking our spending brings to light, we can take that money and quickly move it to the emergency fund. You can simply set up a savings account with your bank and begin making regular deposits.   

Do you go out to lunch a couple of times a week? Just by eliminating one lunch out per week can add up to $50 in a month. If you are a two-income household that could be $100 in a month. With just one adjustment what if you build in more intentionality?  

For example. If you are a family of 4 and stop ordering soda when you go out to eat and switch to water; it is better for you health wise and you can save a lot of money. 

Every dollar is important, and you can accomplish this emergency fund with as much intensity as you are willing to put into it.  As you go further in your journey of building in financial principles, you find these emergencies pop up less and less because you are living a life of intentionality—which leads to peace and freedom. 

An emergency fund is not that open line of credit on a credit card. This is cash that can be accessed in a true emergency.  And here is what we’ve found: if we are being intentional about savings and staying out of debt, emergencies are exceedingly rare because you are confidently planning and spending.  

I can attest to this.  My family now has a 6-month emergency fund, which you will learn more about in a later video, and as a result, I do not freak out every time I need to buy new tires. 

As you consider that, I would like you to continue to track your spending.  As you look at your spending, I would like you to identify 1 or 2 things that you can sacrifice to help you build your $1000 emergency fund. 

And as a reminder, we have a spending record worksheet in the resource section you may download. 

In the next video we will learn how to plan for non-monthly items like Christmas and birthdays, insurance premiums, car, and home maintenance. So, let’s get to saving up that $1,000 emergency fund!  You can do it!!! 

Tracking Spending

I’m going to ask you to do an exercise. It’s not anything that is super physical, yet it may make you a little uncomfortable. Close your eyes wherever you are. If you’re listening to this while driving, do not close your eyes wait until you get to a safe place.  

Ok, to those of us that are at home or in an office, close your eyes and keep your eyes closed during this exercise.  Now your exercise is going to be thinking through how you are going to get to your car.  Do you have to get up out of a chair and cross a room?  

Maybe you have to walk downstairs? Do you have to open a drawer or a door to access where your keys are stored? Are they at the bottom of your purse or a backpack? Then how are you going to make it out of the house or office to get to your car? Do you have to step outside, cross a parking lot? Do you have to go down steps to a garage?  

The simplest task, something that you likely do every day can feel like a huge challenge when our view is obstructed. Now open your eyes and think of going to your car with your eyes open and the lights on. That seems much less daunting doesn’t it? 

Tracking our spending is the same way. When we don’t track our spending, we cannot make informed confident financial decisions. From where we want to go out to eat or how will a car repair be made.  This leads to a lot of stress because we are living in a constant world of financial guesswork. There is no foundation for accurate information, no place to get started or know where to course correct.  

When we track our spending, we become aware – it is like opening our eyes and turning on the light in a dark room. We know where every dollar is going and we can begin to control how that money is flowing though our lives. It also helps us to make confident and informed decisions about where we are headed.  

You may think, ok, awesome. I can easily pull up my bank or credit card statement and track my spending.  This is the bank tracking your spending and the challenge with that is those purchase have already happened. This is not being intentional with your money. We need to be in the moment with how our money is flowing in and out.  

You may be thinking, ok so how do I start tracking my spending? You can jot down purchased items on a piece of paper or a small notebook. Many of us have these things that you are watching me on right now.  There are apps that can help you record your spending or even something as simple as making a note in the notes app on your phone. We have a spending record worksheet that is in the resource section that you may download. Every time you make a purchase, when you pay a bill and within a couple of weeks you will quickly discover where your money is going.   

In upcoming videos, we will learn about how to enter this information into a budget. Our next video is an important one; it is on building a $1,000 emergency fund.

5 Marks: Share Willingly

For many people, the concept of sharing our faith can seem intimidating. We can worry we might not know enough about the Bible or how to answer a tough question. The good news is we don’t have to all the answers to share about the hope of Jesus, we just need to love people where they are and be willing to share how He has made a difference in our lives.  When we share our story and the Gospel with others, we grow stronger spiritually and our friends begin to see how God can become real to them too. 



  • How does Paul say we should go about sharing our faith?
  • If someone asked you, “what difference has Jesus made in your life?” what would you say?
  • Who are people in your everyday life you want to know the hope of Jesus?
  • Spend some time praying for them and for opportunities to share the hope of Jesus in everyday conversations. 

Give Generously

When we think about the idea of “giving generously,” we often think of something people want from us instead of what God wants for us. God doesn’t want us to waste our lives trying to build our own kingdom that will pass away, He invites us to be give our lives to build His Kingdom that will last forever. Just as Jesus showed us God’s love by giving His life generously for us, we can know we are growing spiritually when we want to follow His example with our time, talent, and resources. 



  • In your own words, what does this passage say about what Jesus has done for you?
  • How does Jesus set an example of “giving generously”?
  • What would it look like for you to give more generously to Jesus and His Kingdom?

Serve Selflessly

One of the greatest indicators of growing in spiritual health is that we can find joy in serving the people around us in our everyday life. Instead of being passive and waiting for others to meet our needs, God wants us to put our love into action by caring for the needs of others. When we have the humility to follow Jesus’ example, our actions and attitude begin to reflect His love even when it is messy or difficult.



  • What does this passage show you about how Jesus shows us His love?
  • How does Jesus’ example challenge you to love people in your life differently?
  • What would it look like for you to care for the needs of other ahead of your own where you live and work? 

Connect Intentionally

One of the biggest lies of our culture is that we are “enough” on our own. The truth is we all have brokenness, sin, weakness, and struggle in our lives. Nobody is perfect. God designed us to need Him and each other rather than try to power through life on our own. One of the signs we are growing spiritually healthy is we are willing to be vulnerable. When we stop hiding our weakness and allow God to love us for who we really are in community with other believers, we begin to grow stronger spiritually and love others more like Jesus. 



  • What is surprising or encouraging to you about this passage?  
  • What is an area of weakness or struggle you need Jesus to help you with?
  • Who is follower of Jesus you feel safe enough to share your struggle with?
  • How could you be a safer person for others to share their weakness with you? 

Live Obediently

While the idea of “living obediently” might sound counter-cultural, it is essential to growing in spiritual health. Rather than following the trends of our culture, the voices of our friends and family, or own feelings, we need to look to Jesus and His Word to learn how to live. One of the signs we are growing spiritually is we want to remain close to Jesus and follow the leading of His Spirit even when it is difficult. No one can do that for you. If you want to grow spiritually healthy, you need to commit to spending time with Jesus in His Word and prayer for yourself. 



  • How are the wise person and foolish person similar in this story? How are they different? 
  • What would it look like for you to become more like the wise person who builds their life on the rock? 
  • What is a step you could take to obey Jesus’ leading in your life? 

Intro to 5 Marks

Welcome to this series of conversations designed to help you grow in spiritual health. While these videos won’t teach you everything about being spiritually healthy, they will give you some practical tools and five marks from the Bible so you know how to grow. The truth is you will never be perfect, but we hope these conversations will encourage you to trust and become more like Jesus in your everyday life. 



  • What does Jesus say about His mission in this passage? 
  • How does the idea that “Jesus didn’t come for the healthy, but the sick” encourage or challenge you? 
  • In your own words, what does it mean to be “spiritually healthy”?  
  • If Jesus was having a meal with you today, what is something you would want Him to help you with?